Okay let me start by saying that Joburg has like 5 potholes every 21 km.
Crazy, yes? This has resulted in yet another bubble in my tyre!
3rd one this month.
And so, I didn't go to school today
Dammit, I was on such a roll!
Last week I went the WHOLE week and I went this Monday.
That is something.
But now I'm on my third coffee.
And I'm bored.
Bunking's not all it used to be.
Though I'm really not bunking.
Wow, has anyone ever heard of sleep paralysis? It's a beee-ach.
I fell asleep only to realize I was still awake (technically speaking).
The dreams that give way to my sleep paralysis are a whole new level of wierd on their own...
Oh yeah.
I found a blue wig.
And I've deducted that red is so two minutes ago.
I wanna go BLUE