

Let's play a game of eeny meenie minie mo


This was taken 5km outside of "Carling"AKA Darling, a little humour from the people behind RTD (Rocking The Daisies). It was amazing, if you're asking, more on that in my blog post appropriatley titled "I Rocked The Daisies and it was magical".
You know when you have a hangover and it's hot? And all you want is a pool? And when you come into proximity of one, you slowly undress and slide into the pool so as not to alarm your sensitive body? Well.... I get the first two, but no basically there was a pool, I had a hangover, I got excited, I jumped in with my clothes on and yes- I did a back-flip into that wonderful cool water. And then I'm pretty sure we went out again (:
This is a photo Jess took back in 2009 on Beachfront. I hate how I look- but I love the photo. Remember: We were fourteen at the time so really, this is quite skilled for that age.
Tyra (my sister) took a photo of me with my red hair on my first venture into public(don't remember where :? ) with red hair so I could see how it looked in the sun. Pretty sick I think. And it turned out quite a cool photo, methinks.  

Me and my friend, Jess, have long harbored the teenage fantasy of buying hippy vans and travelling SA in them after our matric year. Original? No. Aspirational? No. Awesome? Hells yeah.

I love photography, unfotunately I can't find my camera charger :( haha
So I'm gonna be a little taker and show you pictures on Flickr, my favourites, they're from other very talented photographers to be.
Some I found inspirational, deep, funny, beautiful... You get the drift (:

This is Rachelle Lynch, 19 year old Model and artist in chicago.
She's beautiful right? Amazing style <3