After a complete fail at taking anti-biotics I'm finishing tonight at 7!
Gosh, I hatetaking medicine.
They remind me of my commitment issues. I mean, how hard should it be just taking something day and night, after you eat, not with coffee or coke and not drinking alchahol?
And yet I managed to violate every one of those rules.
Ai, we are what we are; can't help it.
I'm having so much fun on Twitter (such a newbie ^^)
So if you wanna "follow" me (STALKER! Just jokin :P ) then search me as ZeeTez (yes, thats my awesomely orgasmic knickname)
Har har! Liketwo days ago I started following Luke Worall and then me and my mom (She's awesome okay, I f you knew her you'd understand!) and this guy Ishmizzle (who is, by the way, effing hilarious so follow him while you're at it) about our taste in the opposite sex.
This was my fault, I said Mila Kunis was hot and he said he agreed.
Then my mom was like "Oh no, Zoya don't go there with Ishmizzle *runsnhides*
He was like why?
and they all laughed at me
What?I DO?
I quote " He is the fat lady to my cake and he rox my sox"
So true (:
If you don't know who he is: he's that good for nothing god of a man who cheated on K Oz with a transexual..
I know, I might just have crap taste in men but you cannot deny his beauty.
I would stare at him in the mirror while he hogs it
No lies.
Plus I saw his wieny on
and wow...
He really is perfect
Not that I would know *cough* ummmm... Don't tell my mom
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