

Let's play a game of eeny meenie minie mo

Friday, December 16, 2011

That friend

You would think it's easy to dress for a night market. Apparently, not so much.

The worst thing is when you have that friend (WE ALL KNOW ONE OR HAVE THE FORTUNE OF CALLING THEM A FRIEND) that takes EONS to get ready.
They're either the staller (on their phones, sitting around having coffee, making excuses. Their motto is, "Don't rush me, I'm gonna start NOW I'm just busy with *insert excuse*) or the person who surpasses the acceptable time to get dressed (That is an hour to two hours depending on your patience quotient). They simply don't know WHAT TO WEAR and their catch-phrase is, "Does this make my *insert body part* look fat? Maybe I should just wear what I put on first" after about 12 changes. And they usually end up wearing the first thing they tried on.

If you are not the friend who has to suffer this and rather the cause for your friend's suffering, empathize with us. We love you (or we're forced into having you around) so think of someone else and HURRY THE HELL UP before the party/ event/ whatever is actually over.

Thank you, much appreciated,

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