

Let's play a game of eeny meenie minie mo

Friday, December 16, 2011

That friend

You would think it's easy to dress for a night market. Apparently, not so much.

The worst thing is when you have that friend (WE ALL KNOW ONE OR HAVE THE FORTUNE OF CALLING THEM A FRIEND) that takes EONS to get ready.
They're either the staller (on their phones, sitting around having coffee, making excuses. Their motto is, "Don't rush me, I'm gonna start NOW I'm just busy with *insert excuse*) or the person who surpasses the acceptable time to get dressed (That is an hour to two hours depending on your patience quotient). They simply don't know WHAT TO WEAR and their catch-phrase is, "Does this make my *insert body part* look fat? Maybe I should just wear what I put on first" after about 12 changes. And they usually end up wearing the first thing they tried on.

If you are not the friend who has to suffer this and rather the cause for your friend's suffering, empathize with us. We love you (or we're forced into having you around) so think of someone else and HURRY THE HELL UP before the party/ event/ whatever is actually over.

Thank you, much appreciated,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I Rocked the Daisies & It was Magical

Shall post later- feeling sick since Sunday. Big wonder (:

Saturday, April 23, 2011


Someone said I'm going to have a breakthrough this month
Well I did. I think.
To stop thinking.
I find I'm self-sabotaging in a way, when I think something brilliant up and then write it up its like my brain registers it and thinks, "Ha! I don't think so".
So no I'm not gonna say what my breakthrough is, my brain might catch on.
I find that when I'm not thinking about every little thing neither is my brain and I forget to worry about what my brain is planning.
Wow, i sound mad.
Obviously, I have a very strong mind, it sometimes screws ME over.
Ha! Well, I wont fall for that, brain! Hmmm

Friday, April 22, 2011

Something that has nothing to do with anything combined

(Potentially controversial, just rambling thoughts, welcome to question but please dont annoy me with self-righteous, use-less comments. If you're known as close-minded dont bother. If you dont like it and are not prepared to look at another's view, don't read it & save us all the trouble.Appreciated)
So, a friend of family posted something on Twitter tday & people got quite angry. He said something about "Why are shops closed today? (Something about religion)". I don't remember.
A chick posted back: God loves you
He said: I don't need an imaginary friend
Which I thought was pretty funny.
Not alotta people did though.
Which brings me to the question: Why do people take themselves so seriously?
Religion is a touchy subject & most people claim to respect other's beliefs.
Not so much.
The world is turning & changing, along with it so is religion.
Religion shapes ones views on sex, sexuality, feminism, lifestyle, etc
But is it just me or does religion in general, in particular, Christianity seem to be a dwindling practice? Or something people just claim to be because, well, it's easy to say.
Practices like marriage, abstinence, monogamy, sexuality (as in homosexuality or bisexuality- is that a word?), etc are changing to most's chagrin.
But when the world is changing, then is it not ignorant to expect religion to be unaffected and judge people who do not practice it "traditionally"?
Its quite entertaining really, to think about, like how can one claim to be Christian when they ignore abstinence, divorce, are homosexual, etc? I am not saying those things are bad, do not get me wrong!
I'm just saying, as the human race, i think its time to rethink our values.
We need to make a choice. Are we simply calling ourselves Jewish or Christian or Muslim because that's easier? Because its what was pushed onto us at school or at home? If it actually lines up with our own morals or values?
Most people seem to use religion as an excuse for time off work during religious days or holidays.
When it's Easter we all of a sudden remember that one time we went to church and take our little holiday.
My point is, weirdly, if you're gonna be a Christian, BE a Christian, don't claim to believe if you don't practice the commandments &  basic Christian traditions or else you are a hypocrite. And the saying: Oh, I can have sex now even though I'm not married & I'm only fourteen because tomorrow I can ask God for forgiveness. It's not an excuse to do bad things because saying sorry is just too easy and many people just do it again.
My thing is, if you are going to claim to be religious, practice it with your whole heart before you tell someone they are "sinful" or "evil" for things they do, that you have done but still think it's different because you said sorry on Sunday.
It's not legit, its plain annoying.
What I think puts religion in danger of extinction is the fact that it is used for people's own agendas. Killing a woman for being raped? Huh? That does not line up with my morals and I doubt it lines up with women who are a part of the religion and valuable to it too. They cannot possibly think it justice can they? And when one sees this one thinks: How can they use religion as an excuse for that? It makes you lose faith.
What about the crusaders? People who killed people because they were not Christian? How is that treating your neighbour as YOU would like to be treated? How is it sticking to the commandment: Do not kill. But at the same time, the bible states loosely: I will kill he who does not believe in you. What? Total contradiction don't you think?
Its hard not to think that maybe religion is practiced the way it was meant when it suits us.
There are so many examples of religion being used as an excuse for massacre, genocide, invasions, etc, too much to mention.
Once people stop tarnishing religion's rep for their own use, maybe then people would also take it seriously. Just a thought.
I just dont like the power that it gives people who are not sincere about it and have a more devious plan than giving the human race something to believe in.
Re-evaluate your values and don't be afraid to question society or the norm just because its easier.
If you believe in religion, believe, but also practice.
The last thing you need is a tricky question combined with  a lack of faith on your part.
The real thing everyones struggling with nowadays is how to incorporate the beliefs that clash with their religion.
Its a tricky situation but no one can say you're wrong.
We just ask you extend the same courtesy to everyone else.

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

We just wanna make the world dance

I have a crush on Jessie J, she's like one of those people who just make you smile because they are (:

Listen to her song, Price Tag, courtesy of moi (:
If you don't smile I'll punch myself :P

Monday, April 11, 2011

Some people

Seriously, people can't even walk on the streets at sunset nowadays without pervs & idiots hooting at you & freaking the crap outta you?
So you wanna know why I just said that?
Cos I went for a walk with my brother & sister about an hour ago & this guy in a silver whatever car drove past then turned around & hooted as he passed with a freaky smile on his face. So trying not to act like it freaked me out we kept walking & just before we got home he found us again and drove past pulling a zap with a freaky grin on his face again.
His aim was probably to freak us out & I'll admit it worked.
It sickens me. How can people actually think it's fun targeting teenage girls & scaring them puposefully?
It really scared me I won't lie. But hey, what can he do?
One things for sure, I'm not walking around again unless I have a freakin rifle so I can shoot him in the face & say, "Not so fun being taken by surprise huh?! Well, III had fun, too bad you didn't"!
The worst thing? There was a woman in the car with him & she did nothing. Like she was also having fun.
People like these make you wonder... Where is the world heading when old men take their wives out for a jol scaring kids while he wears guyliner?
You know, the best thing to do is just ignore them, they HONESTLY are examples of people who do not have lives.
Offence intended.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Badah babah babahh

You have no idea how many annoying posts I've read of people talking about how they love love love LOVE music.
Yeah, we get it, we ALL do. It's orgasmic, depressing, annoying, and all those other good things.
It's anything you want it to be.

Thanks, we already KNEW that.
I find that when it comes to music, a person who really loves it, doesn't have to say it.
People know, the less said, the better.

This guy in my previous school had to choose something he loved.
Well, of course he chose music.
But he didn't go:

Music it is so sweet
it is the stuff of angel farts
Music oh it completes
and fixes, broken hearts

Naw, instead he just drew this simple note with words flowing behind it.
It wasn't showy, it wasn't bright, it was simple.
But it had the most thought.

Which brings me to my deep conclusion:
The less said, the best.
I think, really, silence speaks for itself in a way and if you really love something, you won't try to exploit it and show it off just cos "it's cool to". Some people don't get music. Some people would rather read a book.
Everyone's different.
We all express it differently.

But you know, the words that have the most impact when strung together, that some people look for their whole lives, that's pretty extraordinary in itself, that makes the world go around are only three words : I Love You.

Now ain't that a thought? (:

Friday, April 1, 2011


Monday, March 28, 2011

Ahhh (:

Amazing how a call from an old friend can make you smile (:
Like a big goofy grin that looks like it should be on the Joker's face.
It ain't pretty but it sure makes me feel happy (:
Anyway, it's really funny, in a way when you leave a city and the people you thought you were really close to actually don't seem to be bothered, but the people you least expect, do.
Bother, I mean.
But in a nice way that makes you feel all special inside (:
Oh look at me, it's like I've sniffed something one shouldn't sniff
(but then again, most things aren't meant to be sniffed... AAnywhooo)
So, by now you've guessed I've gotten a call from someone
You smart thing you! Someone desrves a badge!!

We spoke for an hour, about total crap (:
But it felt nice to talk about crap, haven't done that in a while (:
I missed it haha

While on that subject, MEN, they are so confused
They do not confuse me, I feel sorry for them really, because THEY themselves are confused.
Us women should give up trying to "decifer" them, because really, they don't even know what THEY'RE talking about half the time
and that's just the way I like them, wierd & awkward & CONFUSED
It's so much easier to play with them then :P
No, I'm lying. Kind of.
And, let's face it, it's funny

So next time a guy has you complexed you should, instead of crying & asking "WHY GOD WHY??", look at them in wonderment like they're the spider that bit Spiderman and just shake your head side to side with vigour while saying, "You men, you guys are so confused". Maybe offer him a bunny with a pancake on it's head.
Trust me, it works, he'll be super duper confused then & suggest you guys go out.
You know, cos he needs the fresh air.
It does get boring being confused alone, it's so much more fun when you can confuse someone else.
Cos, two confused people really, in a way, have it all figured out.
Two confused people are quite happy, really.
Confusion's not so bad once you're okay with it, it's actually quite awesome when you decide you don't actually give a shit.

I guess this is why people like being in a relationship.
Someone to confuse.
Maybe one day you'll meet someone who likes this stuff, in which case, lemme know if he has a brother or something.


Sunday, March 27, 2011

He looks like he's probably wierd in real life
Which is awesome (:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Economics in my head

So today I went to Kemptom Park, apparently the white-trash area of Joburg
(if you live in Kempton Park, I didn't say this, someone told me so...)
Well, it would have been nice if someone had TOLD me this before I went TO Kempton. In a dress that's a little bit on the short-side. Hey, it was the first thing I saw but anyway
What a grocery trip right there.
I couldn't adjust my dress or kneel down without five eyes on me.
It was scary, I'm not gonna lie.
One partculair oke was following me asking me questions like "Are you from around here?" No "Where are you from?" Cape Town "How long have you been here?" I don't know "What do you do?" I'm in school thank you very much "Oh, cool, which one?" You're forty, bye.
But even once I got to checkout he was waiting for me.
"Hey! I'm almost done!"
Groceries go flying.

Never AGAIN.

I even grabbed my four HEAVY ASS packets and vamoosed cos I was scared the parking attendants would offer help.

As we drove back to Sandton I realized what scarcity was!
Put it this way:
Scarcity- example: there are less women in Joburg than men, therefore there is a high demand for woman but a low resource of them.
This is an economic problem, alright.

I so understand now.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Damage Control

So came back from CPT yesterday morning
It was...surreal? I don't know. Like it was awesome but something was wrong.
I felt like I went back in the past.
The problem is, how can I go back? It's what I want, or what I think I want, but at the same time I couldn't wait to come back to Joburg.
These feelings are so confusing.
I didn't get to do much in one day but besides seeing my best guy friend and bumping into my gypsy ( (: ) I didn't see my hobo/s.
Which I would be bummed about. But I'm not.
Cos she didn't make any effort whatsoever.
So you know, it's clear for me now where we stand.
Where we've always stood, I'm the friend who makes the effort, who's always there, and all that other mushy shit. But what has she done? And what does she do to deserve any of it?
It's pretty scary but at least it's in perspective.
I'm still nowhere near discovering what the hell I DO want but I figure that I just go with the flow because things, they always work themselves out.
Be that JHB or CPT.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

3+ coffees and not counting

Okay let me start by saying that Joburg has like 5 potholes every 21 km.
Crazy, yes? This has resulted in yet another bubble in my tyre!
3rd one this month.
And so, I didn't go to school today
Dammit, I was on such a roll!
Last week I went the WHOLE week and I went this Monday.
That is something.

But now I'm on my third coffee.
And I'm bored.
Bunking's not all it used to be.
Though I'm really not bunking.

Wow, has anyone ever heard of sleep paralysis? It's a beee-ach.
I fell asleep only to realize I was still awake (technically speaking).
The dreams that give way to my sleep paralysis are a whole new level of wierd on their own...

Oh yeah.
I found a blue wig.
And I've deducted that red is so two minutes ago.
I wanna go BLUE

Friday, March 11, 2011


I just finished writing the first draft of my supposed book. Why, you ask?
Well, because I can. Why else?
So far, it's 129 pages... Dayem.
I wonder who I should force to read it :P
Let you know when or if I send it to someone...

Thursday, March 3, 2011

You actually piss the crap outta me

This picture. Is so. Calming...

I hate it when people stick their shit in other people's lives.
No, I hate it more when the people involved get OTHER people involved.
When it wasn't even their shit to deal with in the first place.
Thank you very much.
But it's cool.
I won't let your shit bother me.
*meditative humming*
Calming thoughts,Zoya.
At least tomorrow's Friday.
Just hate it when people create a problem where there wasn't one to begin with.
Can't we all just get along?

Tuesday, March 1, 2011


So, didn't go to school today
Was way too tired
I still feel tired! Jeez
Wanna know what my title means? I'm listenin to Woohoo by Christina Aguilera ft Nicki Minaj
Wanna check it out?

 Seductions In Black Music - ãæÞÚ ãÚÇÒÝ - Christina Aguilera feat Nicki Minaj - WooHoo - www.m3azif.com .mp3
Found at bee mp3 search engine

Anyway I was just reading a blog post by Nicki Minaj about new Years and 2011 and it hit me, its the THIRD month of 2011! Jeeezus. How'd that happen??
You should check it out too:

My Pink Friday

Wow, anyway, tomorrow's Wednesday. YAY!
Cos you know its inbetween the week so its all gooood (:


Sunday, February 27, 2011


I hate Sundays.
They always bring a mean headache and complete lack of energy from the night before
All I remember is red liquorice, Guitar Hero and "I'm a pretty little girl".
Good night I think. At least I know the next door neighbours have a whole cupboard full of sweets and the other ones are dealers.
Cos thats all you really need,right?

Saturday, February 26, 2011


I made pancakes ^ hehe
They were AWESOME

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


After a complete fail at taking anti-biotics I'm finishing tonight at 7!
Gosh, I hatetaking medicine.
They remind me of my commitment issues. I mean, how hard should it be just taking something day and night, after you eat, not with coffee or coke and not drinking alchahol?
And yet I managed to violate every one of those rules.
Ai, we are what we are; can't help it.

I'm having so much fun on Twitter (such a newbie ^^)
So if you wanna "follow" me (STALKER! Just jokin :P ) then search me as ZeeTez (yes, thats my awesomely orgasmic knickname)
Har har! Liketwo days ago I started following Luke Worall and then me and my mom (She's awesome okay, I f you knew her you'd understand!) and this guy Ishmizzle (who is, by the way, effing hilarious so follow him while you're at it) about our taste in the opposite sex.
This was my fault, I said Mila Kunis was hot and he said he agreed.
Then my mom was like "Oh no, Zoya don't go there with Ishmizzle *runsnhides*
He was like why?
and they all laughed at me
What?I DO?
I quote " He is the fat lady to my cake and he rox my sox"
So true (:
If you don't know who he is: he's that good for nothing god of a man who cheated on K Oz with a transexual..
I know, I might just have crap taste in men but you cannot deny his beauty.
I would stare at him in the mirror while he hogs it
No lies.
Plus I saw his wieny on Perezunrated.com
and wow...
He really is perfect

Not that I would know *cough* ummmm... Don't tell my mom


Friday, February 18, 2011

Come tomorrow, it'll seem so yesterday (:

Okay, I haven't written in a while. My blog is gonna sue me for neglect :P
ANYWAY today I was dreading sports day, I mean I was supposed to be playing VOLLEYBALL! Comical! I am so freakin short, I think the teacher who assigned me was trynna be funny.
But I played baseball instead and I actually quite like it.
I'm quite good at hitting things with metal clubs :D I know right, duh.
I also played touch rugby. Can't say I was more of an asset than a hindrance. But you see, that was ofcourse all part of the plan; the confused looks, the running in the wrong direction... All an act OFCOURSE!! :P
Okay, no, but lemme think that okay.
Once I figured out where the hell the goal was I was like , "Psh! I knew thaaaaat."
Was not very convincing.
Until I scored the last touchdown (after hitting someone in the face)!
I was like BOOOYA!!!!
Felt like everything shoulda gone in slo-mo so I could jump up and down while I looked all warrior-like with my wet hair (cos it was raining, you see). Movie moments...
Then we trekked back to school which was HELL!
Now my weekend plans are all fucked up. But I thought that was cool cos I'm tired anyway, and in a way I am (hey it was more exercise in one afternoon than I've done the whole effing year, no jokes) but I'm still buzzing a bit. Now I'm bored. Bleh.
Thinkin about doing sports.
I must be going crazy.